These pages are dedicated to the people who are and who were Byterapers, Inc.
Please note: this page is not being updated. Hasn't really been since 1990s.
It is a museum. Or tombstone.You will find information about Byterapers' members in the group's Facebook page or other social media channels, whatever it might be when you read this.
All members are presented in two different levels
- Short profile: minimal description with witty remarks by other members.
- Under The Skin profile: Name, location, time of joining and responsibilities. In longer form also personality and who each is, what they do, what they are, their history and so on, both officially and freely told. You can enter this by clicking on the link on each person's name. If they are connected to the Net, you can leave personal e-mail here.
The Under The Skin -pages also contain a link to the member's homepage, if he/she has one. Personal homepages can be entered by clicking this picture:
Note on the witty remarks. Comments marked with an asterisk (*) are written by the person him/herself. Others starting with a line (-) are written by anyone who had the chance. Most were written in various (B) booze-happenings and are pretty evil and hard-to-understand crap about their personalities. :)= Naturally, all comments are anonymous.
Also check the dark secrets links in bottom of this page: Byterapers in HiRMU and Official statistics of Byterapers in Finnish Army!
Contribute! Send your stories, comments, additions or anything about us and our members to to Grendel! Help us to portray the Finnish Scene!
- This page has info about the ex-members of Byterapers. Talking about skeletons in the closet... :)=MEMBERS:
Professor FATE
PROTON {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: PC / Amiga
Personal description: Big man, who moved from being a ElItE-tradesysop to live a legal, steady life with his girlfriend and PC. Biggest of the Miettinen-brothers.
Current responsibilities: hitman, the wall
Prehistoric responsibilities: trader, sysop, hitman, the wall
Byterapers subdivision memberships: (B) Boozing Club
* 190cm 117kg 20 Olvia.
- Aina aanessa (Always talking)
- megafoni (megafone)
- ISO mies, rulee, ei sammu, vaikka mika ois... nukkuu mut eipa nukukkaan!
(BIG man, rulz, won't pass out whatsoever... sleeps but doesn't sleep!)
- Mina teen toita! (I'm working!)
LASSE {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: PC
Personal description: The handsome man. You gotta love that beard. A pure (B)-booze member. Middle-man of Miettinen-brothers.
Current responsibilities: Hitman
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
Byterapers subdivision memberships: (B) Boozing Club, BCC (Byterapers Cycling Club)
* Olipa kerran karvainen mies ja han joi kaiken...
(Once upon a time there was a hairy man and he drank everything...)
- Silti kaikki naiset halusivat hanta. (Nevertheless, every woman wanted him.)
- Mutta olen myos alla kengan. Ai kenen? (But still I'm jotain. Whose?)
- JAAAAA.... - Mina myos iso...ehka (Me be also big... maybe.)
- Ja minulla myos iso (Me also have a big one)
- Hyvat leffat!? (Good movies?)
- AMIGA RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Nico on mortti! (Nico is a mortti)
- Microsoft sucks!!!!!!!!
- en lahde juomaan - anna kaljaa!!! (I won't go boozing - pass the beer!)
- lahe juomaan - en lahe - lahe juomaan, en kehtaa - lahe juomaan - no oookoo (Let's drink - no - c'mon, let's drink - naah - let's drink - ok.)
- iso mies, aina aanessa...(paissaan) hitman undstuff, opettaja (Big man, always talking (when drunk), hitman & stuff, teacher)
- Minako iso!! (Me big?!)
NICO {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: Amiga
Personal description: The graphician who can't draw because he's got no monitor. The smallest thought still not _small_ of Miettinen brothers.
Current responsibilities: Graphician, Hitman.
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
Byterapers subdivision memberships: (B) Boozing Club
- Joo, muttei ei jaxa (Yeah, but I'm 2 lazy)
- Vitun mortit! (Fokken mortit (army term))
- Mutsi, osta mulle multisynkki (Ma, buy me a multisync)
- Helluwa soldier.
- mina piirran tikku-ukon!! (I'm gonna draw a stick man)
- mixet sa juo, hah? 00h, sammun... (Why aren't you drinking, what? ooh, I'm passing out...)
- kolmas (?) byte joka kavi intin. (Third (?) Byte to finish the army)
REZNOR aka REZZU {- click for closer look, under the skin profile Working platforms(s) now/ex: -
Personal description: A pure (B)-booze member, who's never got a computer - but a filthy mind makes accounts even. Movie-freak.
Current responsibilities: Chairman of Byterapers Distilling Facility.
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
Byterapers subdivision memberships: (B) Boozing Club, Brotherhood of Black Coated Men
- Mustaa mustaa mustaa msutaa mustaa msustaa (!) (Blackblackblackblack)
- The official boozemaster, who distilles the booze for local Bytepopulation - and makes it focken bad!
- minako pessimisti??? (What, me a pessimist?)
- hyvaa kiljua, suostun! (Good home-made, I'd buy that 4 a dollar!)
HAZARD aka HAZI {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: Amiga
Personal description: Technophilia, who finally met his bigger self when meeting Destop in person. A Web-guru with Webbed machine. HC-Techno-trance composer with no audience.
"Man with quadspeed heart"
Current responsibilities: (B)Web and theorically musician.
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
Byterapers subdivision memberships: (B) Boozing Club, Brotherhood of Black Coated Men
* Requiring secret knowledge to be understood.
* 192 cm of concentrated darkness.
* dAmN dA MaN!!!
- Will trade ANYthing for a Black Lotus.
- "Liian hidas biitti!" ("Not enuff BPM!";)
- Our official technohead.
- The focken Webmaster, who does not have modem, no phone-line, only an Amiga 500 as his computer, no hard-disk, no expansions.
- "I thought I was going to kitchen" he said after bumping into closet door
- Prodigyko minun taivas? (Prodigy my heaven?)
- hopplamies, rulee aina myos paissaan (varsinkin)...jaah, no 1800bpm andstuff (Hopplaman, rulz always, even when drunk (especially then), 1800bpm and stuff.)
- Cityvideo-duunissa puhdasta kommunistista, sosialistista tyontekoa tyylillä "pah", hyodyntaen (B) lokaaleita ruoannoudossa. (While working in City-Video applied pure communistic, socialistic ideas like "bah" while using local (B)'s to get food.)
- Waking memories of being like mirror image of T.o.B
LANTTU {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: PC / Amiga
Personal description: The Byterapers mascot from 1988, whose computer career started long time ago in the 8-bit times. Around 1993 he finally managed to get an Amiga, almost learned to code on it and nowadays tries hard to find the secrets of x86 assembler. He is also hardware-wizard and -genius, who's got a closet filled with useless computer junk and tendency to build stupid things like mini radio-transmitter capable of jamming whole block's radio-recievers. Lanttu is usually used for repairing any broken stuff from washing machines to tv-sets and videos.
Current responsibilities: Coder, hardware-wizard.
Prehistoric responsibilities: Coder, hardware-wizard.
Byterapers subdivision memberships: (B) Boozing Club
- Ovela pilke silmakulmassa (Has light in the corner of the eye)
- Aina paissaan (Always drunk)
- Erittain huono viinapaa (Extremely lousy head for boozing)
- Humaltuu ensimmaisena (The first to get drunk)
- Hardwarewelho (Hardwarewizard)
- Armi ei anna! (Armi won't put out!)
- Hardwarewizard, codingwizard, boozewizard. Makes 'getting drunk' an artform.
- Lotsa fun for everybody 'look, he is trying to speak, he fell to floor'
- 'He's most drunk.' 'Hey, Lanttu, you took my beer from jääkaappi.'
- Kalinkakatti is really good thing.
- "Mitka videot?" ("What VCR?")
- otataanko uudet "kanna mies ympari talon"-skabat? (Wanna do a new "carry the man round the house" -compo?)
GRENDEL {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: PC & Amiga / Amiga & C-64
Personal description: One of the original (B) founders. Rests in peace after wasting half his life in unfruitful scene-career, which actually helped find him a job in computer industry.
Current responsibilities: Leader
Prehistoric responsibilities: Leader, party-guru, mail- and modemtrading.
Byterapers subdivision memberships: (B) Boozing Club, BCC (Byterapers Cycling Club), Brotherhood of Black Coated Men
* Long-haired who dresses usually black in public, long time computerfreak, with some sense-of-humour, pet rats, red haired she-devil and long time affection to parties.
- Tarinat alkaa mutta eivat lopu (Neverending stories)
- Heraan klo 14.00!! (I wake up at 2 PM!!)
- minun rottatytot! (My rat girls!)
- ultimate Byte, aina hyva tuuli ruleeeh, ei ole semmosta tyyppia joka ei seurassa viihdy. (The ultimate Byte, always in a good mood, there is no character who wouldn't enjoy his company.)
ICEMANN {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: PC
Personal description: The hitman. Ultimate partyguard. If you've been in party where Icemann was a guard, and crossed his way - you won't forget it. A hard rightliner, always equipped with close-combat equipment Icemann is both focken great person and one you don't want to make angry.
Current responsibilities: Hitman, evil partyguard.
Prehistoric responsibilities: Hitman
Byterapers subdivision memberships: (B) Boozing Club
- Pamppu heiluu (Nightstick swings)
- Big and bad partyguard. Ivy knows.
- minunko kissat isoja? (My cats big?)
- niin, etta oli hyvaa viinaa? (That was good booze?)
BIRRA {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: PC / Amiga
Personal description: The only good woman is the one in his bed. While Birra has never been a 'productive' (B) member, he is excellent in his Hitman and partyboozer -role, though very bad company in bars (free women floating around - some must want me).
Current responsibilities: Hitman
Prehistoric responsibilities: Hitman
Byterapers subdivision memberships: (B) Boozing Club
- Naisia naisia naisia naissa (Women women women women)
- "Mullon Byten pienin kannykka" ("I have the smallest cellular phone in (B)")
- Das womenattractor of Finnish scene
- More charming than he looks
- eti mulle nainen! (Go find me a woman!)
- naisia? missa? (Women? Where!?)
- mennaan baariin, siella saa naista.
- capable of one of the 10 most disgusting acts in the real world: takes a food-plane, and plunges it onto his stomach - and walks around with the plate 'sticked' (no glue or anything used) in his 'Masu' (belly). Of course, the Masu has been grown very carefully with steady use of beer, so it can be used for non-natural things.
SIVU {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: PC
Personal description: The hobo-coder, whose imagination is weird and freely flowing. Sivu is often the centerpiece of the party because he manages to find the funny sides even from empty long drink-bottle. Also a developing coder, Sivu keeps on programming and sometimes even finishing something.
Current responsibilities: Coder
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
Byterapers subdivision memberships: (B) Boozing Club, BCC (Byterapers Cycling Club), Brotherhood of Black Coated Men
- "Ei jumalauta e naina huonoo juttua ole olmemassakaan" (God dammit there can't be so lousy jokes!")
- Joo, koodaishan sen, jos ois debuggeri!" ("Yeah, I'd code it if I had a debugger")
-"emma kayta debuggeria!" ("I don't use a debugger!")
- Small but weird.
- hazzemblyt onnistu hyvin. (The hazzembly went well)
- byten hiihoo (The hey-ho of (B))
MICRON{- click for closer look, under the skin profile
Working platforms(s) now/ex: PC
Personal description: The big, large man whose indian name goes 'The One Who Sits On Top Of People.' Anyone who has seen Micron, knows what this means. Micron is the arranger of Juhla (TM) -parties, and a known member of (B) Boozing Club. He studies nowadays in Raahe, but relocates himself to Iisalmi for the summers, which means regular partying in his place.
Current responsibilities: Hitman, Juhla-partyarranging
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
Byterapers subdivision memberships: (B) Boozing Club
* Biggest scenedude of the world. 2m x 0.14tons ..
* Olvi makes people grow BIG!
* Raahe is safe place to live when you are heavy enough
* that wind doesn't throw you into sea..
- If he was ten inches taller he'd be round... :)=
- He should have a zip-code... :)=
DR. DICK {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: Amiga & C-64
Personal description: A well known (B) Boozing Club member, who was both promising C-64 and Amiga -democoder, but managed to slip away from both tough responsilities and concentraded on drinking. Being a total Amiga-guru from inside-out, 'Tikkis' is also hardware-wizard building and repairing almost anything. Indian names: 'Asuu Sexin kanssa/Lives with Sex', 'J„tt„„ aivot kotiin/The One Who Leaves His Brains Home'.
Current responsibilities: Hardware-wizard
Prehistoric responsibilities: Coder
Byterapers subdivision memberships: (B) Boozing Club
- mr. nyhva mut silti kewl (Mr. Wimp but kewl nevertheless)
- Workbench ja 4mb:n bootti rullaa! (Workbench and a 4Mb boot rules!)
- minunko nimi hammentaa? (My name confusing?)
- mita, sauna rulezzaaa! (What, sauna rules!)
- "oh please help me dr.dick" -- E-rotic
MR. SEX {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: C-64 & PC
Personal description: The supper-coder whose fame on C-64 is unmatched by anything or anyone, is actually better known in (B) circles as 'Mr. Puke.' His ability to consume alcohol, and then ejecting it for other's closer inspection is rather special. And used regularly. Indian names: 'The One Who Pukes'
Current responsibilities: Coder
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
Byterapers subdivision memberships: (B) Boozing Club
- koodaa vaikka hetekalla (He codes with a string bed if necessary)
- Viina ei riita koskaan! (Never enough booze!)
- The official pukemachine. Drinks and pukes. And pukes. Pukes everywhere. Floors, stairs, dishes, on himself.
- Missed a chair by 200 meters when trying to sit.
- "En mina laattaa koskaan."("I never puke.")
- c64-ja puke, ziimna avainsanat (C-64 and puke, the keywords.)
KRAKU {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: PC
Personal description: Kraku was a saving throw at Abduction'96 -party, where he surprisingly joined the (B) family and added lots of code-value into the first (B) PC-demo. He shares his interests between several groups, but it was (B) who taught him into the art of heavy-drinking and drunk-driving.
Current responsibilities: Coder
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
Byterapers subdivision memberships:
- mies joka pelasti paivan Abduilla (the man who saved the day at Abduction)
- "Vittu kun tan optimois penalle" ("Fuck if I optimized this for Pentium)
- Always documents all parties and happenings with his always-present camera
- "Anna mina otan kuvan" ("Lemme take a picture")
- todistettavasti juonut yhden kerran ja ajoi silloinkin humalassa.
JTP {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: Amiga & PC / C-64 & Amiga
Personal description: JTP has been in (B) from almost the beginning, and had a great career on C-64 and Amiga. We can credit the Finnish army for dimishing his coding interests, and since JTP has been mostly studying and working.
Current responsibilities: -
Prehistoric responsibilities: Coder
Byterapers subdivision memberships:
- Kaksi ikkunaa ei ole yksi lasi (2 windows is not 1 glass) - One of the oldest members of (B)
MIKE {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: C-64
Personal description: Indian named 'The One Who Is There Till The Finish', Mike is The graphician of Byterapers' C-64 demos.
Current responsibilities: Graphician
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
Byterapers subdivision memberships:
- hiljainen mutta... (Quiet, but...)
- Hei pysayttakaa auto, se pukettaa kohta!- norttien kuningas (The king of nerds)
- hei, ne kaljat menee vanhaksi, (vrt. assembly 96) (Hey, those beers will go bad.)
JAZZ {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: -
Personal description: Her royal cuteness, Jazz shocked the scene in Assembly'95 and has since been a official mascot and member of (B). While being many scener's dream, she's also talented musician and singer studying the musical field. Jazz also has a very unique skill of making every party go higher just by being there.
Current responsibilities: Mascot
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
Byterapers subdivision memberships: (B) Boozing Club, Brotherhood of Black Coated Men
* psychedelic born to be wild kinda girl
- uuuuhhhhh....
- queen of darkness
- nahka soi (Hear the leather sing)
- Queen of demoscene, the dream of partyparticipants.
- psychedelic dance floor virus
T.o.B {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: PC / Amiga
Personal description: The house-musician of (B), T.o.B has never been that well presented in (B) productions due his 'non-demo-style' musics. A heavy boozer and real musician, he is invaluable Byter.
Current responsibilities: Musician, Hitman
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
Byterapers subdivision memberships: (B) Boozing Club, Brotherhood of Black Coated Men
- aina velkaa jonnekin (Always ows money somewhere)
- Isaksi yhdessa yossa (Became a father overnight)
- Musician who always manages to slip from projects
- rokki soi, ja OLVI rulee, ei homoilla enaa kojootissa, kiitos! Rock 'n Roll & OLVI (a beer) rule, no more gay-stuff in Los Coyotes, plese!)
- "ei sare tarpeex!"; (This doesn't rattle enough!)
- Bold and the beautiful ala Byterapers. Family doesn't always quarantee happiness...
- Todistettavasti saanu ainakin kerran! (Can proof for being with girl that way!)
- Tuskin sammuu ekana? (Probably not passing out first?)
KASPER {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: PC / C-64
Personal description: One of the original Byterapers' founding members, most of the group's style and ideology can be traced into Kasper's filthy and original mind. A very talented C-64 coder, respected as Finland's 2nd best in 1988, he never actually finished much. His code- and hardware-wizardry had no equals.
Current responsibilities: -
Prehistoric responsibilities: Coder, cracker, code- & hardware-wizard.
Byterapers subdivision memberships: (B) Boozing Club
- koodivelho maineelta, kaippa todellisuudessakin (A codewizard by fame, most likely so in reality)
- VR ei tykkaa (VR doesn't like)
- Master of the Keyboard.
Professor FATE {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: C-64
Personal description: One of the original founding members of (B), Prof. Fate was actually never in the scene itself except a few of the early Finnish copyparties. His true boozing spirit neverthless lives on.
Current responsibilities: -
Prehistoric responsibilities: Coder, Hitman
Byterapers subdivision memberships:
- ARP rulez
AMJ {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: PC & C-64
Personal description: AMJ is the newest addition to Byterapers. He debyted as the musical master in our Assembly'96 C-64 demo Follow The Sign 3. In the same party he was seen 'live' for the first time, truly proving himself a worthy Raper in the Boozembly-sidehappening.
Current responsibilities: Musician
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
Byterapers subdivision memberships:
- hyvaa sinista :)= (Good blue (Curacao :)
- SID goes to AMIGA!
- mehupurkki rules, (mehupurkissa viinaa) (Juice carton rulz! (had booze in it)
JATE {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: PC
Personal description: The almost invisible Bytter. Not seen, not known, except by the enlightened Sivu. Jate has evaded all meetings and parties, but was proved very worthy Raper when Grendel and Sivu visited Jyv„skyl„ in Boozing matters.
Current responsibilities: Graphician
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
Byterapers subdivision memberships:
- Aeijjae!!
- One strange guy who almost nobody knows, few has ever seen.
DR. STAR {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: PC / Amiga & C-64
Personal description: Dr. Star is one of the original (B) members not located in Finland. Originally joining (B) on C-64, Dr. Star handled the Swedish section and later moved on to Amiga. No activity after 1992.
Current responsibilities: -
Prehistoric responsibilities: Mail- and modemtrading
Byterapers subdivision memberships:
SPEEDHEAD {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: PC / Amiga & C-64
Personal description: The whipping Byter, whose musical talents led from pretty good (at its time) composing to weird hypno-fantasies of the final times. Speedie was a showing (B) Sweden member, and was a dominating musician of Byterapers' early Amiga-times, when his musics filled most of the Muzzax-musicdiskseries and formed the musical aura of CSA's demos. No activity after 1992.
Current responsibilities: -
Prehistoric responsibilities: Musician, mailtrader
Byterapers subdivision memberships:
- mullon sen tarra monitorissa, tai oli, en oo varma... (I have his sticker in my monitor, or had, I'm not sure...)
CSA {- click for closer look, under the skin profile Working platforms(s) now/ex: PC & Amiga / Amiga & C-64
Personal description: CSA was pretty much the person who made Byterapers' entry to Amiga. After creating a number of very good demos on C-64, CSA bought an Amiga and was rather soon using his not-that-small abilities in the field of Amiga demos. After intense career CSA lapsed into inactivity with Dr. Star and Speed-Head, and hasn't done anything since 1992.
Current responsibilities: -
Prehistoric responsibilities: Coder
Byterapers subdivision memberships:
HC-ANNA {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: -
Personal description: The violence section of (B). You want to get rid of someone? Call Hanna. Hazi is the closest (B) member to her, and we all are angry to HC coz now Hazi doesn't give us any. HC's kicking abilities were demonstrated in such excellent and proving way we had to form a (B) violence section for her.
Current responsibilities: Violence.
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
Byterapers subdivision memberships: (B) Boozing Club, Brotherhood of Black Coated Men
- hlo.koht. syista en sano mitaan, muuten tulee turpaan... (For personal reasons I won't say anything, I'll get my ass kicked if I do... :)= )
- HaZiN RaKaS (HaZi'S LovVy)
- Byten vakivaltasektio. Teki J0nnille mustelman, miettikaa sita! (The violence section of (B), she made a bruise to Micron, think about that!)
- She's dangerous. Watch your actions.
- mika toi on? (What's that?)
ENEMA aka RELLU {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: Amiga
Personal description: The fart-master. Man who mind-controls his anus and farts whenever he wants. Also theorically a musician, but...
Current responsibilities: Hitman
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
Byterapers subdivision memberships: (B) Boozing Club, Brotherhood of Black Coated Men
* -hamaraa..., kaikkkee outoo hommaa, pieksamaki nomore, koff III rule ja mina tietysti (likkojen kesken!) pieru on elamantapa, ala vaita! (Weird... All kinda weird stuff... Pieksamaki nomore, Koff III rules and I also, of course (among girls!). Farting is a way of life, don't argue!)
- ei haittaa vaikka muut hapee, so what? (Who cares if everybody else is ashamed, so what!)
- Praaat!!!
- Pieksamaen gigolo! - Hell, the girls are running out from this opiskelija-asuntola (dorm.)
JUCCA of movie productions {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: PC
Personal description: Jucca is purely a boozing, driving and acting member, whose main career lies in movie production. A coming megastar, seen in such classic Bytemovies as Splattered Death, Fochyrbenis, (B)-Files and Splattered Death II: River Runs Red.
Current responsibilities: Actor
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
Byterapers subdivision memberships:
* kaiken maailman duunari aina autoista koneisiiin! (Handyman, cars or computers, doesn't matter!)
* meika vosaa keilata koneella? (I can bowl with a computer?)
* Minako kustantaja? (Me a producer?)
- Ihme elaja, kuuntelee musaa 70's discosta just about klassiseen. (A weird flyer, listens to music from the 70's to classic.)
ALBERT aka ALLU {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: ?
Personal description: The old-timer sysopper, who disappeared by changing location due to studies. Hasn't been heard much of since, though is randomly found from local bars during holidays. Never erased from memberlists, though. :-)
Current responsibilities: -
Prehistoric responsibilities: Sysop, korkkarit
Byterapers subdivision memberships:
- Raveparty Allunhimassapurkilla rulettaa! (Raveparty at Allu's placeattheBBS (A textfile, found elsewhere on these pages) rulZ!
MYSDEE aka KEMU {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: C-64 & Amiga
Personal description: A famed and loved member of (B), who managed often to break himself in several places and ways. Real drunkmaster with awesome drinking effects - those stories don't end. Very well known on C-64, ex-The Sharks -member.
Current responsibilities: Um? Hitman.
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
Byterapers subdivision memberships: (B) Boozing Club, Brotherhood of Black Coated Men
- Master of psychopatic theories about anything between heaven & hell.
- dA MaN!
- It's a fokken wonder he's still alive!
MORDICUS {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: PC
Personal description: Mordicus joined (B) in early 1997. Filling a hole in (B) membership, Mordicus is the sound in demos.
Current responsibilities: Musician
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
SUCKHO {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: PC
Personal description: A member of the younger Bytegeneration, Suckho was abducted in (B) during Ilosaarirock'97.
Current responsibilities: Programmer
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
GURDAN {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platforms(s) now/ex: PC
Personal description: Gurdan is a very active member of the younger Bytegeneration. He lives in same block house as Mr. Sex and Dr. Dick, doing much programming and using alcoholic beverages with them.
Current responsibilities: Programmer
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
MISTRAL {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platform(s) now/ex: PC/Amiga
Personal description: filling a huge hole in Byterapers staff, Mistral is the saving angel to bring some bits of graphics beauty and design into Byterapers' PC productions. Wins also the prize of most northnern (B) member.
Current responsibilities: Graphician
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
UNROOT PIMPLE {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platform(s) now/ex: PC
Personal description: coming.
Current responsibilities: Musiqant
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
HBT {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platform(s) now: PC
Personal description: coming.
Current responsibilities: Graphician
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
XWD {- click for closer look, under the skin profileWorking platform(s) now: PC and mobile
Personal description: coming.
Current responsibilities: Coder
Prehistoric responsibilities: -
DARK SECRETS (B) Boozing Club
BCC (Byterapers Cycling Club)
Brotherhood of Black Coated Men
Byterapers in HiRMU
Official statistics of Byterapers in Finnish Army