On this page we bring you the following attractions:

Byterapers related serious matters:

Bytenews & coming attractions - ALWAYS UPDATED
Webcredits and What's New In (B) Pages - ALWAYS UPDATED
Top things to see in (B)Web
View the Guestbook - Write into the Guestbook
What (B)Web visitors have said? Updated 24051999.

Fan feedback about (B) & products in ENGLISH
Fan feedback about (B & products in FINNISH/SUOMEKSI
Reviews about Byterapers' demos

Byterapers Movie Productions Updated 8.1.2022.
Sukset, Suosiota ja Lukkosulaa! - Byterapers photo gallery - partypictures and more!
Byterapers 1999 Boy Calendar

Byterapers related crap:

Grendel bullets - loads of crap shot at Grendel
Byterapers Boozelore and other short stories/remarks
Byterapers-irkkihuulia - ircissä sattuneita muisteluita Byten vuosien ajalta Added 09.06.2005
All the Byterapers parties! Big & small, plus stories from them.
See the original (B) poster from 1987, made by Communist Cowboy/West Russian Bad Boys
Previous (B)Web front page pictures: Nico in tree, Hoffibond

Almost totally unrelated:

Lamer's Corner - legendary jokes stolen from Scandinavian News
Origin of demos and Mysdee's law-stunt.

Totally unrelated:

Canus*Patrol Classics: Canus*Patrol sanakirja: suppea painosAdded 12121998.
Canus*Patrol Classics: Hannu & Esko hallujen vallassa Added 12121998.
Canus*Patrol Classics: IHMISHAZIIIIII!!!!@@!!#!!
The lesser known Amiga models
Sexuality in Star Wars
Totuus liveroolipeleistä.
Ravepartyt Allun luolassa - Bytemiesten ja ystävien hallutarina!
Toveri Kim Il Sungin suuria viisauksia - sosialismi voittaa lopulta!

Under construction:

Hazard & Deadbeat - the practical jokers. COMING SOON

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