Want to add your bit?
Press HERE for feedbackThis page has both finnish and english language feedback. Just scroll around.
Awesome page, man!
It really makes you dream your way back to the golden scene years. Keep up the great work!Regards,
Genius of FairLight
07.07.1999: Kivat siivut teillä :) lisää bytewarea ja c64 ohjelmia ,kiitooos!! kyllä jaksaa vanhakin näemmä vaan painaa. Kivasti suihkii täällä lapinjärvellä :) How's life ???
rebb / tm!c & mantra
24051999: your site is fun ! The pics too, that's the way the scene should go :)) Booze parties for ever!!!
n.r.t.h. headcrash trebel
26031999: Hugi magazine's web site review
Group: ByteRapers
This is the official ByteRapers homepage, and contains the expected description of the group and their activities. ByteRapers say that they were the top C-64 group (I was never on the C64 scene, so I dunno) and are mainly a demo group now. The site also has an excellent history of the scene in Finland. The members section contains info on all members of ByteRapers (past + present!). The downloads section is also of a high standard. The layout of the site is very good too, with a good menu system and easy access. For all you slow modem users there's a text based version of the site too! So, all in all, a very good site you should check out!
09121998: kivaa, boozetuksen nostaminen sillekuuluvalle alttarille (kultainen, vähintään) on mieltäylentävää.
sivarissa on kivaa, sivukin on täällä. hih!-quaz / pwp / flo
09121998: Great Site!!!
Is there anything planned for future ?
make it rock!! please! go on. i never thought that even ONE of the old-skool groups will be still alive... fairlight website hasn´t been kept updated quite a while......couple emails later...
I´m happy that you answered me, most webpages from real old and ancient (i don´t like to call groups that worked to make scene worth living in "old"... well, experienced - sounds too bad, ancient - that feels right, it holds some of the mystic & spirit of the crazy 80ies ... :) ) groups are dead. (the webpages! sometimes the groups too, phenomena, papillon, wod, Jetset ....)trid / cp
09121998: Iloiset ja varsin (elossa ollaan kuule!) mukavat terveiset! Törmäsin kaverin vinkistä mahtavaan byterapers sivuun (ties kuinka kauan jo ollut netissä, mutta so what!) Kiittelen mahtavasta partyscenehistoriasta! Pitää lukea joskus oikein todella ajan kanssa! Jatka samaan malliin, kiva nähdä että joissakin sitä riittää puhtia vieläkin! ;)
April 7 / Digitize Design Group
VERY veteran Finnish group founding member from 1986
09121998: Täällä ääni 8 vuoden takaa alias J.Jokinen alias Eyeball! hihi... Lueskelin tossa byterapersin sivuja ja hauskakseni huomasin että siellähän olla törrötti mun härski nimeni niin uljaasti... Kiitos kyseisestä kommentista, "did a good job" jne... Juu mä hävisin koko skenestä ihan sen takia kun amigani myin ja muutin vähän sinne tänne koko ajan niin ei tullut mistään mitään enää. Vähän hämmästelin että byterapers on vieläkin olemassa, enpä olisi uskonut.
No joo, eipähän tässä kummempia, kunhan ajattelin heittää pienin Hyvii jatkoi sulle/teille/bittiraiskaajille!
Back from the dead : EyeBall alias Jari Jokinen
Ex-member of Byterapers.
09121998: Nonii Kauppisen Jukka alias Grendel aka Renttu aka Horsma jne... Rakkaalla lapsella on monta nimeä! Se ompi Antti joka täs kirjottelee (Flex/ Artline Designs/ Contex / (B) jne...) Sain täs vihdoin ja viimein sähköposti-osoitteen ja tuli täs koulun tunneilla surffailtua tommonen kolmisen tuntia kaikenlaista 64 sälää etsien niin hieman postia sulleki. Uskomaton juttu miten 24-vuotiaasta äijästä tulee pikkupoika taas ku pääsee hieman lukemaan noita nostalgisia juttuja... Mutta hienoa!! Tosi viileet sivut oot tehny (B):lle. Pani vähän naurattaan se kuvagalleria... Pikku-Anttihan se sieltä löyty.. (14 tai 15v..) Joka tapauksessa.. Tampereella asun ja opiskelen rav.alaa nykyään. Iltaisin sitte soitetaan poppia ravintoloissa/discoissa. Oulusta tuli lähtö vasta 2kk sitte. Asutko itse vielä Iisalmessa (tuskin....)? Ok, laita jotain mukavaa postia takasipäinki...? RESPECT!!!
Flex/ Artline Designs/ Contex / (B)
Ex-member of Byterapers
partykuvasektio on loistava. etenkin fig87 kuvat :)
Young Lemming
you have a GIGANTIC homepage... too much to read in one day :-)
lynx totally rocks !
keep up with good text based web design !--
---> doj / cubic
-NIomiC- Thank you for this great page ! For once I read almost everything on a someones homepage. Ofcourse, cos it's all interesting. I just wish I was a part of such a big and HEALTHY group of young (?) men and women.
From: Excel/Balance
I just visited the Byterapers homepage, and boy ... It is the best sofar!! I don't care so much about the graphics, sure they are always nice, but it is the contest which is the most important. And the contents on the Byterapers homepage was SPLENDID!!! I have never ever read so funny stuff on a homepage before!!! The thing when moku burned your hat, when Vyvyd (or smthng) chased Reward and he swam to a nearby island! haha .. :) Sometimes it is really hard to believe that these things actually has happened.
I have been in the scene now for maybe 7-8 years, maybe not much compared to some guys, but it is always nice to read what happened in the old days. Today I think the scene sucks more or less mainly because that the scene rocked more before. more feeling back then I suppose ... too bad you guys are not raging on the amiga scene anymore. we need more guys like you! keep it up!
Best regards,
- excel of balance(amiga) & dubius(pc)
Subject: I have to puke!Hi there... You hardcore beer drinkers!!!!! (RULES)
Great homepage you got!!!! Love all the beer talking!
Whatever happened to the scene, It seems that all the newbies went COCA-COLA!... THAT SUX BIG TIME!
Hmmm... Well, at our copy party with Bamiga Sector One in Denmark (1989) we also had big problems selling beer... Well I got drunk... So who cares?!Visit our homepage at: http://home5.inet.tele.dk/a-olsen
It's still under construction, but we are working on it.
[Message 7 marked for deletion]ENDIt's still under construction, but we are work ing on it.
We have to make a link to your homepage, DRINKING, SMOKING, SEX and HARDCORE TALK must be supported.
great site u have!
!Dr.j/The force and SCS!