
Member since 1992 (?).
Hitmam, sheepish partyguard, myy halvalla.
Byterapers specialism: expert woman seducer

Birra is the long time friend of Grendel, who's followed closely the Byterapers success story from the very start. He has also almost controlled Byterapers during those heavy drinking years, when Grendel could be made to do almost anything with a slight hint of booze.

As a reward of his long relationship and participating in (B) happenings Birra was finally taken officially into (B), though he'd always been a hang-around boozer. Earlier he was a non-productive Amiga-member, and changed later to a non-productive PC-member, with his only abilities being in attracting women (successfully btw), drinking, selling hardware in member-prices and being a cheapo partyguard.

His greatest moments in scene were Juhla 2 1/2, where Birra and Icemann worked with Grendel as bad bad bad securitymen, and gained some great fame; and Scenery'96 where Birra & Grendel Co. strolled along heavily boozed.


So, that's something is nice to see whatking people your "frends" really are. If you wanna know what I think myself, look my homepage or invoid me bar (You pay it) and I tell my life story....

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